
James Harris, M.Photog., CPP


Hi, I'm James. Thanks for visiting! I am a multi-award-winning fine art landscape photographer and photo educator based in Colorado Springs, Colorado where I live with my wife. Together we have 7 children who are all grown and out on their own. My love of photography started back in 1965 when my dad bought me a Kodak Instamatic camera for my 8th birthday. After I had my first roll of film developed, I was hooked! I started my professional career in photography in 1978 with my first assignment for the National Park Service in Utah. In the '80s I was primarily shooting with a Linhof Technika 4x5 view camera throughout California, and after various 35mm film cameras through the '80s and '90s, the revolution of digital photography hit me. Although my first few DSLRs were limited by the newness of the technology, I still forged onward up to the two Nikon D850's I use now.

I'm very involved with the Professional Photographers of America (PPA), the American Society of Photographers (ASofP), the Professional Photographers of Colorado (PPC), and the Professional Photographers Guild of Colorado Springs (PPGCS). I'm the Sponsorship Coordinator for the PPGCS and serve as a board member. I also hold a Master of Photography degree (M.Photog.) and I'm a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP).

Who were the photographers who inspired me the most? Ansel Adams is at the top of that list, but there were certainly many others whose work I loved, including Philip Hyde, David and Marc Muench, and Carr Clifton. Photography is my passion, and they say if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life! I also love teaching photography to others. If you would like to learn from me, whether it's compostion, techniques, or post-processing, or just talking shop, drop me a line on the contact page. I'd love to hear from you!


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